Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Power of Blessings

The Power  of Blessings

Every blade of grass

has its Angel 
that bends over it 
and whispers, 
"Grow, Grow."

                          -The Talmud

The blessing...

I recently shared Dance Your Bliss as part of a Womens' Retreat in Marin County, CA. It was hard not to feel the warmth and connection bubbling in this amazing group of creative, compassionate, funny, and open-hearted women. We were women of all ages;  many moms, some grandmoms, some women sharing joy, some experiencing deep grief, all of us wanting - and needing a space to slow down, to breathe, to be here now.

The theme of the retreat was Blessings, and we discussed our own experience with the ritual of of Blessings. What are blessings? Are they important to us? Do they really make a darn difference? Can only clergy give them to us? Or do we all have the power of being blessings givers? What blessings could we feel in our lives - with all the ups and downs and chaos? 

Need a Boost?  Try a Blessing Walk

We went on a Blessing Walk. One by one, in silence, we walked slowly in nature, just repeating all the blessings in our lives.  I found myself saying "thank you for my wins." and, "thank you for my failures." "Thank you for all the kind people. And for the nasty ones as well." "Thank you for my fears. Thank you for my courage." 

We were so refreshed from our Blessing Walk. It was so healing - and I highly recommend a blessing walk anytime you need a breath of fresh air, a clear mind, and an open heart. It doesn't even need to be a long hike - just 20 minutes will do the trick.

Some resources for you:

a comfy as heck pair of sneaks. 

Julia Cameron; The Artist's Way (for her Walking Artist's Dates)

Prayers for Healing; 365 Blessings, Poems and Meditations from around the world. Maggie Oman -  with Allison Bliss, in the East Bay, CA 

An enchanted stairway in San Francisco. 

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