Tuesday, May 29, 2012

June 24, 2012, 10am - 1pm 
Creating Your Meaning, Celebrating Your Bliss: A Women's Mini-Retreat in San Francisco.
You are invited to join us on mid-summer weekend, June 24, for a celebration of the June/Summer solstice – the time when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and when we, in the Northern Hemisphere, have our longest days of sunlight. 

 This mini-retreat in San Francisco will offer opportunities to fully awaken to our strengths, while being inspired and supported within a community of women, all of us on the journey of self-discovery. 

 By tapping into the wisdom of our centers of mind, body and feeling we will develop more clarity and set our intentions for the coming summer season. We will gather, reflect, play, dance and dream and discover how to create our meaning and celebrate our bliss, everyday! 

 Date: Sunday June 24th, 10 am - 1pm 

Place: 57 Post Street, San Francisco 4th Floor Meeting Room and Cafe at the Mechanics Institute Building between Kearny and Montgomery 

(Just steps away from the Montgomery BART/Muni Station. Nearby Parking at Sutter Stockton Garage.) Cost: $78, includes light refreshments and all materials/supplies 

(We are able to accept credit cards and cheques) 

About the Facilitators: 

Linda Lesem, MS 
Career counselor and coach, helps clients sort through the clutter and become excited and inspired to discover who they are and what they can do to move forward to create positive life change.  She is the creator of "Moms in Transition" and is in private practice in San Francisco at the Bay Area Career Center, and Life + Work: bayareacareercenter.com &; lifepluswork.org 

Rachel Fleischman, LCSW, REAT 
Movement Expert, leading psychotherapist, motivational speaker and movement leader, Rachel Fleischman, LCSW, REAT, helps people move out of their heads and into their bodies to promote their own self-healing. She maintains a successful private practice in San Francisco. You can visit Rachel at: www.dancingyourbliss.com & blisscounseling.com 

Susan Jewkes Allen, MSW, GCDF 
Career counselor, life/work and creativity coach, Susan helps clients to realize their "creative calling" and express themselves more fully in work and life. Offering individual and group programs in San Francisco and New York, she guides clients as they build a career and life path that offers fulfillment, meaning and joy. lifepluswork.org
bayareacareercenter.com creativelifecreativework.blogspot.com 

For more information and to register: 
contact Susan Jewkes Allen - sjallen@lifepluswork.org or call: 415 728-8502 
Space is limited - advance registration required. 

1 comment:

alinsonpaul said...
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