Friday, January 11, 2013

Here's what up this Friday.
Happy New Year - a little late - by the way.

Today, can you remember this:
Wherever you are
Whatever you are feeling:

Someone's got your back

We spend so much time mired in our false sense of alone-ness.
It aint worth it.
Can you think of one person whose got your back today?
Try it - take a moment and remember the last time a little miracle hit you on the shoulder.
I remember getting on the bus and not having bus fare.
Only had a twenty. Yup.
This aged man across from me immediately dipped into his wallet, produced 2 crisp one dollar bills and offered them to me.
I was in a moment of dis-believing that people were kind. He showed me!

Let kindness in today.
Let me know how it goes.

See you in the dance...

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